Purchase Complete


Order Successfully Completed!

Access Details – Please Read Carefully

Now that you have successfully completed your purchase, please read carefully the below instructions so you can access the course.
  • In the table below, if the status under “Actions” states “Pending Confirmation” that means you are kindly required to wait for up to 30 seconds for the payment processing confirmation (which is the average time needed for processing your payment by our payment gateway provider). The below table will automatically refresh every 10 seconds until the status is changed to “View”. If after 30 seconds the status doesn’t change, kindly contact us stating your order number so we can promptly check from our side
  • Please click on “View” under “Actions” to check your order details, then click on “Assign Course” so your course will be assigned to your curriculum and you will be redirected to the LMS where you can access all of your active courses
  • Later on, whenever you want to access your course(s), just log in with your username/password on www.medical-professionals.com. Once logged in, click on “My Courses” under “My Account” and you will be able to access your assigned active course(s)
  • Another useful tab on www.medical-professionals.com is “My Orders” also located under “My Account” tab in the main menu (ensure you are logged in first). This tab will give you access to all of your previous orders. If for some reason you have not assigned the course after purchase, then you can always go back and assign it from there

Your Recent Order